
Showing posts from February, 2013

Software development - Tips

System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document.

Things to remember while sending a CV

XML Serialization - Collection to XML

Get validation errors of an IDataErrorInfo implemented class (C#)

Maintaining Session in Silverlight

Generate a Collection with sub collection from XML data

Contract requires Duplex, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it

WCF Service Call - Quick Tip

WCF Service calls in Silverlight

Get the LoggedIn User ID from Sharepoint using Javascript

Convert Hex value to a color

Load values from an enumerator to a collection

Coding standards for silverlight applications

Datagrid server side paging control

Implict styling controls used as a base class

Charts in Silverlight

Flip Animation with single storyboard for multiple targets

Silverlight OOB Application Deployment ? Concerns and its resolution

Unable to start debugging on the web server Error

Keep Session Alive in Silverlight (Maintaing Session in Silvelright)

Silverlight might die... but XAML will be alive...

Show / hide control using simple animation

Style to remove spaces from silverlight datagrid header

Failed to create a 'System.Windows.Input.ICommand' from the text 'CancelCommand'.

DataGrid paging in Silverlight (MVVM)

Get and set cookies in silverlight

Simple Search Textbox (with disabled text)

Setting the focus to a control at the time of load in silverlight